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Dog Care

Is Your Dog Breathing Heavy? Causes, Treatment And More

Dec 02, 2024

Watching your dog breathing heavy triggers tension. 

As pet parents, we all want to ensure our furry friends feel super healthy and happy. 

But heavy breathing can be a warning sign!  

It indicates underlying health issues that must be addressed immediately to avoid future complications. 

If your dog is breathing heavily without exercising or engaging in outdoor activities, immediately consult a veterinarian. 

This blog will help you understand the reasons behind rapid breathing in dogs. 

We’ve also mentioned treatment options below.

So, let’s start. 

What’s Coming Up? 

  • Numerous underlying causes of heavy breathing in dogs. 
  • Different types of heavy breathing in canines. 
  • How are different types of struggling breathes treated? 

Should You Be Concerned If Your Dog is Breathing Heavy? 

Well, panting and fast breathing are normal for an enthusiastic sports dog, but it can be concerning in certain situations. 

Specifically when your dog breathing heavy is accompanied by lethargy, vomiting, coughing, bleeding, and eye or nose discharge. 

This condition can lead to serious and life-threatening health conditions like heart issues. It’s important to take your pet to a vet when noticing struggling breaths. 

Dogs Breathe Heavily: Why is My Dog Breathing Fast?   

Dog breathing heavy can occur due to numerous medical conditions, such as: 

  1. Obesity: Overweight and excessive fat can pressure breathing organs like the lungs and heart. This can be the reason why dogs breathe heavily. 
  2. Abdominal pain: Dogs struggling to breathe might be suffering from severe pain. Abdominal pain can be one of such reasons. 
  3. Heartworm disease: Heartworms are dangerous. They can block the airway and infect the heart. This can lead to heart failure and serious respiratory issues. Read out the guide for respiratory problems in dogs and their treatment.
  4. Asthma: Certain dog allergies result in airway inflammation and asthma attacks. This can cause labored breathing, coughing, and wheezing. 
  5. Anemia: When a dog’s body stops producing enough blood cells, it can result in heavy breathing and panting. 
  6. Diaphragmatic Hernia: The health condition happens when the abdominal organs move through a diaphragm into the chest cavity. This compresses the lungs. 
  7. Laryngeal paralysis: This health condition is most common in large-breed and older dogs. It happens when the patient’s voice box doesn’t open properly when breathing. 

What Are the Types of Heavy Breathing in Dogs? 

There are different types of heavy breathing in dogs; each signals different underlying issues and conditions. 

Here is an overview of its multiple types: 

Types of Heavy Breathing in Dogs table 1

Types of Heavy Breathing in Dogs table 2

Types of Heavy Breathing in Dogs table 3

Remember, there is no home remedy for dogs breathing heavy! 

It should be treated under the supervision of licensed veterinarians. 

However, for a dog panting a lot or heavy panting at night, you can take some precautionary measures to ease the discomfort. 

This includes:

  • Reducing excitement
  • Positioning your dogs, and 
  • Helping them relax

Wrapping Up! 

Heavy dog breathing should be treated and addressed immediately. 

If you notice any of the symptoms discussed above, it’s important to consult a veterinarian to identify the underlying issues. Once the issue is diagnosed, your vet will provide a treatment plan. 

To get consultations from industry-leading vets, join Vet Pet Central. 

We offer telemedicine services for 24 hours. You can schedule appointments from anywhere and anytime! 


How can I calm my dog breathing heavy? 

To calm your dog's breathing, gently pat them and provide a quiet environment. You can also use deep breathing techniques. 

What position helps a dog breathe better?

Lie down your dog in a relaxed position on the right-hand side. This will help open their airway.

What can I give my dog for breathing problems?

The treatment for dogs breathing heavily depends on the underlying issues. Your vet might prescribe medications to address the underlying cause. Oxygen and other breathing therapies might be necessary in critical conditions.

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